Hi everyone,
We are getting ready for our global connection through dancing! May we all be inspired and moved by this phenomenal practice. Personally, it doesn’t matter about the people who are non-synchronous – this allows us to time travel together!
Nancy Hughes and I are right now hanging out on skype. We both need to go to bed!
Get the GUS 2017 Packet in 2 ways: PDF
GUS Packet google doc (without GUS 2017 MAPS)
GUS 2017 MAPS google doc
Facilitators have the Packet in your email as well! You will best be prepared by reading it throughly…
Sign up for Live Harvesting. You must accept the invitation that was sent. If you have another email address you want me to make an “Author” so you can post, let me know.
Check out all the GUS 2017 sites. Come dance on Saturday!
If you have any questions, please contact us.
ox Patrick, Nancy H., & Brandin (and Nancy SS – sending love from Estonia)