As there will be many individual sites practicing all over the world, it’s useful for all of us to use the same schedule and structure.  Within that structure each facilitator is encouraged to create an experience that works for the people in their local group.  That means different things for different people, and we’ll give some examples that we hope will be helpful to think about.

Tips for setup:

  • Give yourself plenty of time for setup so you don’t have to rush, either in organizing or in preparing on the day of.
  • Have a compass with you to help you figure out which direction to face in order to create the global ring of linked Small Dances.
  • Post a written Underscore on the wall along with the Global Underscore schedule.  
  • Post a World Map so everyone can have a visual of what we’re creating together. You can find this map on the blog here and we’ll be updating it so it’s available for viewing and printing by Thursday.
  • Post the List of Participants so everyone can see who else is participating. You can find this list on the blog here, and we’ll be updating it so it’s available for viewing and printing by Thursday, although it will continue to be updated both until as well as after the Underscore itself.

Tips for orienting the group:

  • Be clear with your whole group about timing.  This could mean posting the schedule and a clock, or just discussing it during the Pow-Wow and coming up with agreements about how these transitions will be made: whatever works so that your site can be aware of and stick to the world timing without it being a distraction from your dancing.
  • Build in enough time after your final resolution for reflection and ample harvest time so you don’t feel rushed to get to the closing small dance.
*Clarification: the final small dance happens AFTER you have had your final resolution, reflection and harvest. Once you have finished sharing in the circle, you stand and preambulate a bit (if you choose), then at the appointed time, go into your final small dance facing the appropriate direction.
  • Use a bell of some kind to signal the end of the closing global small dance.
  • Create some kind of closing after the final global small dance so there’s a clear end to the Underscore. A sound? A few claps? You can make up your own thing.

Tips during the Underscore

  • Organize a way of “collecting” the Harvest during the Sharing so it can be posted on the blog. This could be in the form of words, photos or video.
  • Have fruit or simple snacks available to pass around during the Sharing (usually very pleasant after 3+ hours of Underscore).

Timing for the Global Underscore is as follows:
00:00 start time
00:45 preambulation
00:50 opening 5 min global small dance, facing east according to the map
03:55 closing global small dance, facing west according to the map
04:00 closing
(Note: you can start preambulating or small dancing earlier than specified, as long as you’re doing it at the appointed time.)