Here are some inspirational words from Erica Kaufman about CI and Underscore in India…
A GUS Vision:
On June 22 I will have a necessary eye surgery in Chennai, India and will be riding the following day, the Equinox, convalescing on my back in bed. As I prepare for this, my heart kept dreaming of all the beautiful Indian CI dancers I’ve had the honor of teaching and dancing with over the past 10 years.
My dream was that these beautiful dancers facilitate GUS in various places throughout India. Luckily they and others are doing just that:)
Perhaps this year GUS facilitators worldwide can consider adding a few minutes devoted to GOOD HEALING ENERGY sent EVERYWHERE needed around the entireWorld
These Global Underscores can be a beautiful way of connecting a web of goodness around the globe. If you like this idea, please feel free to add it at the end of the GUS event—a nice way of ending.